Advancing Excellence in P12 Engineering Education
Engineering Performance Matrix
System Analytics is the process of investigating systems and calculating the way in which a system’s components interact with each other, how they function over time, and the way in which they operate within the context of larger technological and natural systems. A system can be described as any entity or object that consists of parts, each of which has a relationship with all other parts and to the entity as a whole. These parts work together in a predictable or planned way to achieve a specific goal. System Analytics requires knowledge related to (a) system inputs (i.e. people, materials, tools/machines, energy, information, finances, and time), (b) system processes (i.e. design, production, management), (c) system outputs (including desirable, undesirable, intended, unintended, immediate, and delayed outputs), (d) system feedback and control (including both internal and external controls), and (e) system optimization. This core concept is important to the practice of Quantitative Analysis as every physical and digital system is intertwined with a variety of natural, social, and technological systems, and is a system itself as well as developed through a system. The ability to analyze the design, function, and interaction of systems enables the development of dynamic controls that use data-comparing devices and sensors to optimize and automate system operations.
Performance Goal for High School Learners
I can successfully analyze an engineering system through identifying its inputs, outputs, processes, and feedback loops to implement controls to predict and optimize system performance.
I can identify inputs and outputs of a given engineering system.
I can identify and explain the relationships between inputs and outputs of a given engineering system.
I can analyze what inputs and conditions are needed for a desired output in a given engineering system.
I can classify the technological processes of a given engineering system.
I can identify and explain the major steps involved in the processes of a given engineering system through the use of diagrams.
I can identify and analyze the major steps involved, as well as recognize the inputs, processes, and outputs of a given engineering system
I can identify a feedback loop in a given engineering system.
I can explain a certain feedback loop through the use of a block diagram.
I can derive a feedback loop to control a certain engineering system, and then describe how it impacts the system as a whole.
I can identify a feedback loop that is being used to control a given engineering system.
I can identify a feedback loop and articulate how it is being used to control the inputs of a given engineering system.
I can analyze a given engineering system and identify and explain a feedback loop that is being used to control the system.
I can identify which internal sub-systems are needed to be optimized in order to refine a given engineering system.
I can analyze and discuss multiple constraints for optimization of a certain internal sub-system.
I can predict how the optimization of a certain sub-system impacts the system as a whole.