Advancing Excellence in P12 Engineering Education
Engineering Performance Matrix
Safety is the process of reducing the chance of injury or harm through thoughtful action and, in engineering settings, includes knowledge related to (a) laboratory guidelines and standards, (b) machine and tool safety, and (c) personal protective equipment and attire. This core concept is important to the practice of Material Processing as life is full of many hazards, which can be particularly true in engineering-related environments or facilities where machines and materials are being used by people. Furthermore, engineering professionals apply an understanding of safety principles and guidelines to inform their decisions when developing a design and performing the related operations toward improving their work environment.
Performance Goal for High School Learners
I can safely, responsibly, and efficiently process materials within a working environment without the cause of harm or injury to myself or others.
I can identify common principles and guidelines for safely operating and managing a laboratory.
I can evaluate a certain situation of operating and managing a laboratory in terms of safety.
I can develop or improve plans and rules for safely operating and managing a laboratory.
I can identify common principles and guidelines for safely using and managing a variety of machines used in manufacturing products.
I can evaluate a certain situation of using and managing a variety of machines in terms of safety.
I can develop or improve plans and rules for safely using and managing a variety of machines.
I can identify common principles and guidelines for safely using and managing the attire and equipment used in manufacturing products.
I can evaluate a certain situation of using and managing attire and equipment in terms of safety.
I can develop or improve plans and rules for safely using and managing attire and equipment used in manufacturing products.